Kanon XXV:
"Primacy and Synodality"
+ Metropolitan Maximos (Vgenopoulos) of Selyvria, Contemporary Views of Primacy in the Orthodox Church, 21
+ George D. Gallaro, Synodality and Communion. Church's Governance or Bishops Consultation?, 33
+ Dimitrios Salachas, Le fonctionnement de la synodalité selon le "Code des canons des églises orientales" (CCEO), 47
+Cyril Vasil' S.J., La synodalité dans le C.C.E.O. - Considérations sur la doctrine et sur la practique, 65
+ Archbishop Job (Getcha) of Telmessos, Primacy and Synodality. The Challenges of the Second Millennium, 85
Chrysostom Nassis, "What's in a Name?". Canonical Order of Precedence and the Diptychs of the Orthodox Church, 103
Georgică Gregoriţă , Le concept de la primauté dans l'Eglise et son rôle dans la synodalité. Les prescriptions des sants canones et les réalité ecclésiales actuaelles, 125
Dimitrios I. Nikolakakis, The primary position of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in the procedure for granting Autocephaly, 177
Astrid Kaptijn, Origin and Nature of the supra-episcopal power. A Catholic Perspective, 193
Pablo Gefaell, Eucharistic Ecclesiology. Canonical Consequences on Primacy and Synodality from a Catholic Perspective, 219
Myriam Wijlens, Primacy-Collegiality-Synodality. Reconfiguring the Church because of sensus fidei, 237
Patrick Valdrini, La question de la représentation du collège episcopalen droit canonique, 261
+ Elie B. Haddad, La Primauté et la Synodalité dans l'Église grecque melkite catholique, 275
Hubert Kaufhold, Synodalität in der koptischen Kirch, 293
+ Polycarpus A. Aydin, Synodality in the Syriac Tradition, 309
Luigi Sabbarese, The fading of Particular Councils vis-à-vis the prominence of Episcopal Conference, 323
Federico Marti, The Latin Episcopal Conferences: are they an expression of synodality?, 347
Paolo La Terra, The Consultative Dimensions of Synodal Activity, 365
Andrei Psarev, The Inter-Council-Presence: Patriarch of Moscow's Think Tank, 379
Stephen Farrell, The Canonical Operation of Synodality in the Anglican Communion, 397
Lewis Patsavos, History of the Governance of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, 407
Grigorios D. Papathomas, "Synodalité et Primauté" "Pares habent Primus" et "Primus inter Pares" Discordances entre le 1er millénaire ecclésial et le 2e millénaire catholique romain, 425
Iulian M. Constantinescu, Le principe de la Synodalité selon la législation canonique oecuménique du 1er millénaire face au Saint et Grand Synode de l'Église orthodoxe, 461
István Baán, Triadological reflections on the 34th Apostolic Canon. A model of the Trinity behind the text of the canon and its implications for the synodality, 493
Orazio Condorelli, The primacy of the Bishop of Rome between dogmatic principles and historical forms of exercise. Elements for a common understanding between the Churches of East and West, 503
+ Péter card. ErdÅ‘, Die Bischofssynode und der Primat des Papstes. Die Entwicklung der letzten Jahre, 555
Georges Ruyssen, The Byzantine Synodos Endemousa and the Permanent Synod in the Codified Eastern Canon Law. Similarities and Differences, 567
Christiaan Kappes, Orthodox Reception of Ps.-Pope Sylvester I and Ps.-Symmachus's Canon: "The First See is Judged by no Human Being". Byzantine Canon Law from Photios to Markos of Ephesus, 611
Cosmin Panturu, The Synodality of the Romanian Orthodox Church in the Modern and Contemporary Period (from 1864 to present), 661
Emilian I. Roman, A Statutory Approach to the Synodal Principle Today. Theological and Canonical Considerations with Reference to the Romanian Orthodox Church, 679
Péter Szabó, Synodality and Primacy. Perspectives of Interaction between East and West, 693
Verlag St. Athanasius Theological Institute, Nyíregyháza 2016​