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Kanon XXV: 

"Primacy and Synodality" 


  • + Metropolitan Maximos (Vgenopoulos) of Selyvria, Contemporary Views of Primacy in the Orthodox Church, 21

  • + George D. Gallaro, Synodality and Communion. Church's Governance or Bishops Consultation?, 33

  • + Dimitrios Salachas, Le fonctionnement de la synodalité selon le "Code des canons des églises orientales" (CCEO), 47

  • +Cyril Vasil' S.J., La synodalité dans le C.C.E.O. - Considérations sur la doctrine et sur la practique,  65

  • + Archbishop Job (Getcha) of Telmessos, Primacy and Synodality. The Challenges of the Second Millennium, 85

  • Chrysostom Nassis, "What's in a Name?". Canonical Order of Precedence and the Diptychs of the Orthodox Church, 103

  •  Georgică Gregoriţă , Le concept de la primauté dans l'Eglise et son rôle dans la synodalité. Les prescriptions des sants canones et les réalité ecclésiales actuaelles, 125

  • Dimitrios I. Nikolakakis, The primary position of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in the procedure for granting Autocephaly, 177

  • Astrid Kaptijn, Origin and Nature of the supra-episcopal power. A Catholic Perspective, 193

  • Pablo Gefaell, Eucharistic Ecclesiology. Canonical Consequences on Primacy and Synodality from a Catholic Perspective, 219

  • Myriam Wijlens, Primacy-Collegiality-Synodality. Reconfiguring the Church because of sensus fidei, 237

  • Patrick Valdrini, La question de la représentation du collège episcopalen droit canonique, 261

  • + Elie B. Haddad, La Primauté et la Synodalité dans l'Église grecque melkite catholique, 275

  • Hubert Kaufhold, Synodalität in der koptischen Kirch, 293

  • + Polycarpus A. Aydin, Synodality in the Syriac Tradition, 309

  • Luigi Sabbarese, The fading of Particular Councils vis-à-vis the prominence of Episcopal Conference, 323

  • Federico Marti, The Latin Episcopal Conferences: are they an expression of synodality?, 347

  • Paolo La Terra, The Consultative Dimensions of Synodal Activity, 365

  • Andrei Psarev, The Inter-Council-Presence: Patriarch of Moscow's Think Tank, 379

  • Stephen Farrell, The Canonical Operation of Synodality in the Anglican Communion, 397

  • Lewis Patsavos, History of the Governance of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, 407

  • Grigorios D. Papathomas, "Synodalité et Primauté" "Pares habent Primus" et "Primus inter Pares" Discordances entre le 1er millénaire ecclésial et le 2e millénaire catholique romain, 425

  • Iulian M. Constantinescu, Le principe de la Synodalité selon la législation canonique oecuménique du 1er millénaire face au Saint et Grand Synode de l'Église orthodoxe, 461

  • István Baán, Triadological reflections on the 34th Apostolic Canon. A model of the Trinity behind the text of the canon and its implications for the synodality, 493

  • Orazio Condorelli, The primacy of the Bishop of Rome between dogmatic principles and historical forms of exercise. Elements for a common understanding between the Churches of East and West, 503

  • + Péter card. ErdÅ‘, Die Bischofssynode und der Primat des Papstes. Die Entwicklung der letzten Jahre, 555

  • Georges Ruyssen, The Byzantine Synodos Endemousa and the Permanent Synod in the Codified Eastern Canon Law. Similarities and Differences, 567

  • Christiaan Kappes, Orthodox Reception of Ps.-Pope Sylvester I and Ps.-Symmachus's Canon: "The First See is Judged by no Human Being". Byzantine Canon Law from Photios to Markos of Ephesus, 611

  • Cosmin Panturu, The Synodality of the Romanian Orthodox Church in the Modern and Contemporary Period (from 1864 to present), 661

  • Emilian I. Roman, A Statutory Approach to the Synodal Principle Today. Theological and Canonical Considerations with Reference to the Romanian Orthodox Church, 679

  • Péter Szabó, Synodality and Primacy. Perspectives of Interaction between East and West, 693



Verlag St. Athanasius Theological Institute, Nyíregyháza 2016​



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